From plastic bags and metal cans to fancy pouches and custom out pockets, cannabis packaging is rapidly evolving. Today, nearly half of the U.S. allows some form of legal marijuana sales, and cannabis companies are using vibrant packaging to attract the attention of a new customer base. An important and often overlooked feature of good cannabis packaging is its ability to keep the product fresh. Cannabis can have problems with spoilage, just like good quality fresh herbs. What's the use of packaging if the contents become soft, brittle, or moldy?
The best industry to look for cannabis packaging solutions is the food industry. For decades, the food industry has struggled to solve the problem of freshness with innovative packaging solutions. One of the most promising technologies for cannabis companies is a process called nitrogen flush packaging. Nitrogen flush packs can be used to keep cannabis dry, fresh and potent, while still offering the bright graphic space and user-friendly features of popular pouches.